CIBT Learning
& Development
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The best solution for sharing knowledge is an e-learning system, where the content is presented in an engaging yet comprehensive way, that makes the process of learning easier for the end-user. It is also important that the system is reflective of the image, branding, and values of the host company.
I was responsible for developing a high-impact learning management system and training experience for CIBT's global employee population. This included the design, development, implementation, and deployment of the learning management system, course development, and associated resources.
All materials were developed in strict adherence to CIBT's established brand guidelines.
The Welcome Page is the landing page for users upon logging into CIBT University.
The Learner Home Page provides users a snapshot of training they've been assigned, past due training, and suggested training.
The Browse for Training page shows users all of the training available to them for self-enrollment.
I oversaw the writing, design, development, and publishing of more than 70 courses. These courses were developed in part using Articulate Storyline, Articulate Rise, Grovo Learning, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign.
I developed a series of print and digital employee resources and companion guides for courses. These resources included employee checklists, guides for new hires, managers, and instruction manuals for navigating internal systems.
CIBT University is the branded version of the learning management platform. The company previously referred to this simply as 'the LMS'. The CIBT University logo incorporates each of the three company logos: CIBT, CIBTvisas, and Newland Chase, while creating a separate brand representing the global footprint of the organization and unique to the learning management system.
Previous Instructional Design Clients
Learning Systems Managed
Employee Engagement & Communications
Employee engagement and communication are cornerstones of development for every organization. This is achieved through a variety of programs, platforms, and training.
I was tasked with enhancing employee engagement and communication through the development of a global company intranet, as well as a monthly newsletter.
CIBT Global Intranet
I used the IC Thrive platform to build a global intranet for communication. I was responsible for wireframing and building the platform. After the launch I was responsible for the continued sourcing of content, editing articles, designing graphics, and posting items to the intranet.
Good News Monthly
I was responsible for producing a monthly company newsletter. Each month I sourced, designed, edited, and published the ‘Good News Monthly’.
All materials were developed in strict adherence to CIBT's established brand guidelines.